Insights, ideas
and inspiration

To build a life and career
with purpose, on purpose

In addition to coaching, I am also a writer. My articles on personal development, leadership, career management, cultural adapation, and ex- pat life have been published in a number of British, French and European magazines. I also consult and write for corporate communications projects. If you are interested in my work as a writer, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Think before you binge – whether its food or film

One lazy evening this summer, feeling headachy due to a storm brewing, I came across the very first season of the television series ER on one of the platforms we use. No prizes for guessing what happened next. Yes, for the following two hours it was just me, some major

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coaching books summer

An intercultural summer reading list

In the first half of 2024, I worked with more than 80 clients with intercultural profiles who were either moving abroad or stepping into roles with a strong multicultural management component. Increasingly, high-achieving executives are enjoying at least one assignment in a foreign country during their careers, and even more

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From rushed to relaxed: how to slow down on vacation

Here in France, despite the media frenzy around the recent elections and the upcoming Paris Olympic Games, the hottest topic on most people’s minds is currently the summer holidays. The schools have now broken up for the next two months; I can feel my clients winding down after a frantic

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Get fully present to make some memories

Recently, my children have become totally obsessed with ancient Egypt. At the ages of five and eight, they are understandably (but perhaps slightly morbidly?) intrigued by pyramids, sphynxes and, most of all, mummies. Faced with such fascination, there is only one place any self-respecting Parisian Mummy (sorry, that’s the first

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The mountains you have climbed

Almost every morning, when I wake my son up for school, he asks whether we have time to play – just the two of us – for a while before his father and sister get up. Since, like most families, our weekday mornings are timed more precisely than an Ocean’s

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Know your why

How many “How to make your resolutions last beyond 5th January” articles have you read so far this year? What about “How to set SMART goals for 2024”? I have, thus far, studiously avoided them as I’m a little bit resolutioned out in January, to be honest. As a coach,

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Time commitments and the power of tomorrow

We’ve all been there. A few months ago, you got invited to a dinner/ conference/ speaking engagement and, figuring it was A Good Thing To Do, you shot off a quick “Yes, I’d love to” and popped it in the diary. Now, it’s the night before the thing and you

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