Thrive through Transition
Flourish in Transformation

Coaching to build a life and career
with purpose, on purpose

Bilingual transition and transformation coaching

I create a safe, supportive yet stimulating and challenging space for clients around the world to take control of their own development to build a personal and professional life they love – with purpose and on purpose. 

With warmth and compassion, I help the executives, leaders, teams, children, couples and families I work with to gain perspective and clarity, identify their ambitions, goals and objectives, and create and implement concrete, practical plans to make them happen. 

Make changes.
Get results.

I specialise in supporting clients not just to survive transitions, but to thrive on them.

Transitions of all kinds – from changing jobs, reinventing a career and creating a business to starting a new life in a new country or becoming a parent – can be a powerful catalyst for growth. I help clients leverage all kinds of change to develop their adaptability, curiosity and resilience.

I offer all my clients my dynamic energy, intelligent insights, and laser focus on achieving the results they want.

How I can support you and your teams

Leadership excellence

Supporting leaders, executives and managers to drive success, optimize performance and achieve career fulfilment.
team working and spirit

Cross-cultural intelligence

Empowering people living and working across – and without! - borders for better collaboration and communication.
business team

Diversity and inclusion

Creating a culture of inclusion and justice in which all talents are valued and developed.

What my clients say about me

Recent publications

From rushed to relaxed: how to slow down on vacation

Here in France, despite the media frenzy around the recent elections and the upcoming Paris Olympic Games, the hottest topic on most people’s minds is currently the summer holidays. The schools have now broken up for the next two months; I can feel my clients winding down after a frantic

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Get fully present to make some memories

Recently, my children have become totally obsessed with ancient Egypt. At the ages of five and eight, they are understandably (but perhaps slightly morbidly?) intrigued by pyramids, sphynxes and, most of all, mummies. Faced with such fascination, there is only one place any self-respecting Parisian Mummy (sorry, that’s the first

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The mountains you have climbed

Almost every morning, when I wake my son up for school, he asks whether we have time to play – just the two of us – for a while before his father and sister get up. Since, like most families, our weekday mornings are timed more precisely than an Ocean’s

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